Introduction and Welcome

Thank you for visiting! Whether you are a bus enthusiast, newcomer, or just a passing visitor, we warmly welcome you onboard our website. aims to deliver content that is sustainable, fun, and informative to the Singapore Bus Enthusiast scene. We currently host an extensive collection of SBS Transit, SMRT Buses and Government/Bus Contracting Model (GCM/BCM) photography, as well as Singapore's private buses. Operating since 2004, this website is regularly updated and we hope that you will check back every few weeks for new photos uploaded to our ever expanding website.

In recent years, we have extended our coverage to foreign buses from Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States, China (including Hong Kong and Macau), Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia. These countries have bus fleets and operations that bear some similarities as ours and provide opportunities for comparison. We believe that an understanding of how others work (or do not work) allow for a better appreciation to the local enthusiast scene.

At the moment there is very little new content to add on to the Singapore scene other than what is already uploaded on this website. Our main focus is currently on content relating to foreign buses, outside of Singapore.

Our motto aims to deliver content that is sustainable, fun, and informative to the Singapore Bus Enthusiast scene.

We are one of the oldest enthusiast websites around, pioneer of several initiatives that have become standard in this industry, and we are here for the long run. Too many photos, too many websites have gone from dust to dust and forever lost over the years. We're independently funded and operate on a platform that does not become obsolete along with social media fads. We aim for slow but steady growth of our collection.

Bus spotting should be an end in itself; a hobby not a chore. You won't find exclusives and every breaking news, rare cameo, or aspect of the bus enthusiast scene to be covered here. We find joy in discovering surprises from time to time at our own pace and we do try to cover most ground.

While we let videos and photos do most of the talk, fellow enthusiasts should be able to acquire accurate knowledge through formal research and understanding through observation. We are always glad to share and learn along with other fellow enthusiasts to understand the big picture.

What we provide on this website

We host a comprehensive collection of bus photos in the past decade, and technical information of individual public bus models in Singapore (and from time to time, other countries of interest). This website caters to both newcomers and veterans; newcomers can use the summarized information on each individual bus model to get started quickly, while veterans who wish to double-check can refer to this same information as an authoritative guide.

Photos on this website are organized by bus operator, then by the individual bus model. For Singapore buses, each individual bus model contains technical information and a quick guide on its features. The interior and exterior features are almost always provided on the first (or last) page of the individual bus model. All photos (unless otherwise stated) are licensed under a Creative Commons license, and you are free to reuse or share them as long as you follow the conditions set out in the license (of which most importantly is attributing by linking to this website).

We have recently upgraded our website. You can now search by Route or Service number without the hassle of entering the route/service number manually.

We provide a dedicated Youtube channel, where more than a thousand transportation videos are currently hosted. New uploads come every day (sometimes more frequent), and we strongly encourage you to subscribe to the channel with your Youtube account to receive regular updates.

What we do NOT provide on this website (or why the slogan?)

If the local bus enthusiast community can survive over seven years being plagued by an equivalent 'Trump administration' actively making on an almost daily basis 'Fake News/Fake Bus Fans' claims, personal attacks, warmongering brinkmanship, culture wars, aggressive lobbying, tribalism, endless reality TV style drama, and the community lurching from crisis to crisis, then the United States and the world can certainly survive two terms of Trump's presidency. The take-home message of the slogan is a reminder of this: historical and current politics in the enthusiast community affects everyone, even if you (and we) want to have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Unfortunately years of infighting, ill-discipline and low blows within the local enthusiast community elsewhere have resulted in severe blanket legal restrictions and obligations imposed on us by public transport regulators and operators regarding what information we are allowed to provide to enthusiasts and other visitors (as well as many similiar websites consequentially lost, as you may have already noticed very few websites have survived to date). This lack of information has also largely contributed to the generally poor quality of enthusiast pages elsewhere, especially on social media. Until standards of the community as a whole on any form of online media improve significantly to a First World level where discussions are civil, respectful and constructive it is currently not possible to introduce a section for community participation and discussion. The legal risks involved are too high for any small, independent websites to undertake.

Due to legal restrictions nothing on operations, deployments (including cameos) or individual services shall be discussed or posted on this website. Day-to-day affairs involving operations and deployments are decided by humans and can vary greatly. (If you are really interested, an introductory University textbook on Organisational Behaviour and Transport Management would be useful to your understanding).

For the same reasons, we are not allowed to host or post through social networking accounts other than Youtube. Hence, we shall not be responsible for any content posted on social networking using any content from this website, including sharing done by you. We are a serious website, and therefore we do not post Internet memes or fads that you might find elsewhere.

Photos and information on this website may be embargoed until the time is appropriate for their release. This is a deliberate act for legal reasons and we seek your understanding that publication on this website is later than other avenues. When we do publish the information, we try to make sure that the information provided is as complete and comprehensive as possible. All information provided are from public sources, including archives and academic databases.

Neither do we currently provide travel information and updates nor we provide any avenues for customer complaints/feedback for the general public. Please visit the respective bus operators or public transport agencies website for more information. If you are looking for travel information Apps (which we are not affiliated), please visit the iTunes App Store or the creator(s) website.

Before you proceed, please read and agree to our Terms of Use governing this website.

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